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Why Staff Engagement Is Key to Successful IT Transformation

Why Staff Engagement is Key to Successful IT Transformation

We’re in the midst of a digital transformation wave unlike any we’ve seen in the past – with digital technology transforming companies from the ground up, leaving no aspect of business untouched.

The incredible potential for IT transformation has prompted many companies to take the programme approach, implementing large and wide-reaching IT transformation programmes to harness the power of the current wave of technology. A 2019 study found that 34% of businesses already have a transformation programme in action – with the majority soon to follow.

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  3001 Hits
3001 Hits

What to Watch Out for When Outsourcing Your IT

What to Watch Out for When Outsourcing Your IT

IT outsourcing often wins the debate between in-house IT or outsourcing technology requirements to an IT support company, businesses commonly opt for the latter because outsourcing reduces costs, draws in more expertise, and allows businesses to focus on core competencies.

Sometimes, however, companies decide to take IT back in-house or do not consider outsourcing. A few horror stories or a bad outsourcing experience can often sour the mood around outsourced IT. Like a lot of things in business and technology, getting the most out of IT outsourcing – and avoiding the horror stories – just involves a degree of awareness and the right steps.

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1886 Hits

AI in Customer Service - Would It Work for Your Business?

AI in Customer Service

Artificial Intelligence (AI), the creation of intelligent machines that emulate human thinking and decision making, has long been touted as one of the most disruptive technologies of this decade—and for good reason too. From healthcare to finance to manufacturing and even in our homes (think Alexa, Roomba, etc.), AI has permeated almost every aspect of daily living.

A common misconception among SMBs is that only an IT company or big corporations can leverage AI. But the truth is, many businesses are already using AI solutions, especially in customer service, where it is making a significant impact.

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  2315 Hits
2315 Hits

How Does Outsourcing IT Support Improve the Overall Business Flow?

How Does Outsourcing IT Support Improve the Overall Business Flow

London-based companies whose business processes depend greatly on IT systems need to have an IT support team (or, for small businesses, a one-man team) that can keep those systems in excellent condition. With the right IT support, London companies can maintain a smooth business flow.

Employing an IT team is one option, but businesses can also hire an IT support company to manage and maintain those IT systems on their behalf. This second option will actually improve overall business flow. Allow us to explain why.

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  2020 Hits
2020 Hits

7 Ways to Tell If Your IT Support Provider Is Ready to Grow with You

7 Ways to Tell If Your IT Support Provider Is Ready to Grow with You

Technology is so central to the operations of any organisation of size that, irrespective of field of business, technology has the ability to either drive or impede growth.

For this reason, a continued close match between your business and your IT support company is essential to growing your business. Your support provider must grow, scale, and respond with your organisation.

But how do you know whether the IT outsourcing provider you are currently using can grow alongside your business? We think these are the seven key capabilities you should identify.

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  2255 Hits
2255 Hits

5 Ways to Check If Your IT Support Company Is the Right Fit for Your Business Needs

IT Support Company Is the Right Fit For Your Business

Information technology is important to a business. In fact, it’s easy to argue that the importance of IT is growing. Leaders are recognising this, Spiceworks’ 2020 State of IT report found that 44% of businesses are planning to grow IT expenditure in 2020, compared to 38% in 2019.

Merely throwing cash at IT is not enough, however. When evaluating options for IT support, London companies much seek out the right IT partner – a partner that can support your business in times of difficulty, and a partner that helps your business make the most of its technology investments.

In this article, we present five core areas you should look at when evaluating your existing IT support partner, or as you choose your next technology support partner.

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  2596 Hits
2596 Hits

Importance of Outsourcing Your IT Support as You Grow Your Business

Importance of Outsourcing Your IT Support as You Grow Your Business

Start-ups and small businesses are often highly cost-conscious, with a can-do attitude that usually sees the founders becoming involved in a range of non-core activities – including in supporting the IT that helps businesses tick over.

However, as a business grows, owner-managers must realise that it’s impossible to personally service every business requirement, and that experts in their respective fields, such as IT, can deliver so much more.

In this article, we outline how taking steps to outsource IT support can help you grow your business more quickly and more sustainably. Read on to find out why outsourced IT support is an essential step for growing businesses.

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  2727 Hits
2727 Hits

Choosing the Right IT Support Company: When Is the Time to Switch

Choosing the Right IT Support Company: When Is the Time to Switch

Technology is central to your business, but your business may not necessarily be in the business of technology. That’s why you rely on an IT support company to conduct the day to day maintenance of the tech that supports your business.

Over time, however, there may come a need for a change in support providers. Your business may grow, presenting increasingly complex technology needs that your existing supplier cannot cope with. Or, your support company may simply drop the ball too frequently.

What are the signs that your company should consider switching, and how should you go about making this switch? Read on to find out!

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  2967 Hits
2967 Hits

Serverless Computing - A Primer for Decision Makers

Serverless Computing - A Primer for Decision Makers

It seems like only yesterday that cloud computing was deemed the next big thing in the business and IT landscape. Service providers scrambled to offer the best cloud services available, while organisations carefully planned how they could best make a smooth transition into the cloud environment.

Now fast forward about a decade. Cloud computing remains a game-changing technology which initiated a paradigm shift in many companies, not only in how they set up their network infrastructure but also in how they run their operations. Over time though, provisioning resources in the cloud may become a tedious and complex task for IT administrators, especially if the primary aim of a business is a faster time to market their product.

This is where serverless computing comes in.

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  2223 Hits
2223 Hits

Can Microsoft Workplace Analytics Transform your Workplace?

Can Microsoft Workplace Analytics Transform your Workplace

A rapidly growing pool of productivity data is aggregated by Microsoft thanks to the broad adoption of cloud productivity suites. Indeed, Office 365 is leading the field with triple the market share of its closest competitor, G Suite.

Office 365 and the Azure cloud platform is therefore a rich source of information detailing how employees conduct their daily work routine, and this has led Microsoft to launch Workplace Analytics. But who gets access to Workplace Analytics, and can it provide real insights for your business?

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  4393 Hits
4393 Hits